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ICT and Cyber Security Industry News

The Walled City of Intramuros: A timeless tourist gem

The historic Walled City of Intramuros bears witness to the Philippines’ storied past. Built by the Spanish colonists in the 16th century, Intramuros was the seat of political and religious power in the Philippines for over 300 years. To this day, traces of this era are visible and preserved within the famed walls, which is now considered the oldest and historic core of Manila.

Intramuros, a Spanish word that translates to “within the walls”, was built to protect the city from foreign aggressors. Its walls, braced with moats and towering stone structures, now stand as silent witnesses to our nation’s history. But beyond its walls, Intramuros is home to remarkable architectural landmarks that have stood the test of time. These include Fort Santiago, the citadel of Intramuros; Manila Cathedral, recognized as the main Roman Catholic Church in the country; and San Agustin Church, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the oldest church in the Philippines. Intramuros also hosts a number of museums that await exploration such as the San Agustin Museum, Casa Manila, and Baluarte de San Diego.

While Intramuros is a symbol of the past, it has also evolved into a thriving, charming district. Today, its streets are dotted with boutique shops, quaint cafes, and art galleries that showcase a lively cultural display from art exhibits and presentations mounted year-round. These offer a blend of uniquely Filipino experiences while allowing visitors to savor the district’s old world charm.

The enduring beauty of Intramuros has beckoned tourists to learn more about its history. Whether you explore on foot or through a guided bamboo bike tour, wandering through Intramuros offers an ideal experience for tourists and history buffs where the past blends seamlessly with the present.